For donations, please use one of these methods:
Disclaimer: I understand donation options selected do not impose a restriction on the use of the funds by the Temple.
If you would like to make a general donation online please click on the PayPal “Donate” button. Please include your name and write ‘ISKCON Birmingham’ as the reference.
24 Hour Kirtan
Note: You can pay directly into the bank account. (Internet Banking/telephone banking/BACS transfers) – please quote our sort code 30-99-21 and our account number 01462089, and please include your name and write ‘24hr Kirtan‘ as the reference.
Or if you like to pay online via PayPal then please Select:-
If you would like to make a donation online toawrds the Ratha Yatra festival please click on the PayPal “Donate” button. Please include your name and write ‘ISKCON Birmingham’ as the reference.
Online Banking
(Internet Banking/telephone banking/BACS transfers) – please quote our sort code 30-99-21 and our account number 01462089, and please include your name and write ‘ISKCON Birmingham’ as the reference.
Standing order
Privacy Policy
Charity Registration No: 259649
Thank you for your generosity and we look forward to your continued support. We appreciate your help and support to ISKCON Birmingham Temple. Please kindly join us with your family and friends for the festivals and Sunday Feast progams.
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Hare Krishna